Some employees do not hide their disdain for meetings. If asked to join meetings, they might complain as they feel like they are wasting their time. Since you need to meet with the people in your team, including those who are out stationed, you cannot afford to forget about meetings. The best alternative is to choose video conferencing instead of the usual face-to-face meeting. These are the benefits you will receive if you shift to this strategy.

Reduce travel time and costs 

When some people you need to meet are not at the office, you need to spend money to meet them in person. If you are discussing with potential investors abroad, it is a waste of money to fly there to convince them to buy your ideas. Besides, whatever it is that you are going to discuss in person, you could probably talk about during a video conference.

Increase attendance 

When your employees are not in the mood to meet, there is nothing you can do to convince them to see you. If you wish to optimise attendance, you can start video conferencing. In doing so, even if they are at their desk or they are at home because they are not feeling well, they could be a part of the conversation. You could also share information when you are video conferencing, so everyone is on the same page.

Improve communication 

You can record the video conference so that you can quickly go back to the discussion. You do not need someone to write the minutes. It is also easy for you to refer to the recorded conversation if you missed anything during the conference.

Increased productivity 

During a video conference, the attendees could do other things, especially if it is not yet their turn to listen. It helps them become productive since they could multitask. When they have to attend a face-to-face meeting, it is not possible for them to do other things, as they could be disruptive.

Create a positive atmosphere 

It is difficult starting a meeting when the people in the room are not in the mood to have a conversation. They attended the meeting because you told them to do so. If they have their way, they would rather spend their time doing something else. It helps if you give everyone the option to join the conversation via video conference since they are in a setting where they feel relaxed. It could also increase their retention since they feel engaged. You would rather have them in a remote location if they could devote their attention to the conversation than in the same room with everyone else when their minds are floating off elsewhere.

Use a quality projector 

When you decide to start video conferencing, you need to have a quality projector so that the videos are clear. You do not want to have a terrible conversation because you did not use a high-quality projector. It also helps if you use a projector mount so that those who decide to be in the meeting room while video conferencing with everyone else, can clearly see the faces. You can check out  if you need to purchase a projector mount.


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